Thursday, December 24, 2015

the human capability to accept

it is in human nature to subconsciously judge another according to their ethnicity, race, social class, etc. more often than not we act upon our subconscious beliefs. we treat them differently. you can't change the way your subconscious sees others but you can prevent yourself from further acting upon it. one of the major results of our subconscious is racism. racism happens everywhere amongst everyone. between whites, blacks, yellows, browns, etc. it's funny isn't it? these were just colors being listed but as you read each one an image popped into your mind. brown correlates with middle eastern/indians, black correlates with african americans, whites correlate with caucasians, and so on. someone today will experience being called a name based on any one of the colors mentioned. as of lately there's been a lot of tension between whites and blacks. one must realize that not every white person is horrible or racist and not every black person is bad and "thuggish." this equality thing, it works both ways. white supremacy has ended. this isn't the 1900's anymore. it's 2015 and one would believe that 100 years later we would grow to accept and correct the errors of our ways. one would think we'd look beyond skin color. it's disappointing. all lives matter regardless of your race, ethnicity, religion, gender preference, etc. no human being deserves to be treated as a minority of lesser existence. 

strip us of our skin and flesh, we are all the same underneath. so what makes a white man better than a black man? what makes one person believe they're above another? 

(not my pictures. all credit is given to the owners.)

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