Friday, July 1, 2016

in response to recent events

there is so much evil in the world, it's sickening. every person is born solely good with an innocence that hasn't yet been tainted. it's beautiful and it explains my love for children, so alive and uncaring. but bad things happen to good people. terrorists, for instance, were born good. they were once babies. they were once pure. however, something has caused these select individuals to believe taking lives is okay. that it's right. that it's justified. it's not. taking a life due to your radical beliefs will not bring among the change you wish to see. it will not bring people to listen to you. it will cause fear and chaos, something they cease to understand. they're not doing the world justice which they seem to believe, they're creating a path of destruction. they're destroying the good in others and that is something i choose not to stand for. we must unite, not as muslims or christians or hindus, etc. we must unite as human beings. we must not be separated by the belief that our religions are superior to another. we must strive together to bring amongst change. we are the children of mother earth and we are destroying her creation or what we know as "humanity." stop the violence and learn to love. there is still humanity left in those we see as incapable of emotion, we need to show those select individuals that they won't break the barrier of love we've wrapped around our souls. we are a new generation. we are not our parents or our grandparents. let the change begin with us, for we are the future. 

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