Monday, August 22, 2016

the importance

there are so many people in the world today struggling to a fight a battle they did not choose to be a part of due to politicians and their egos. there are children mourning for the loss of a parent, a loss they shouldn't even have to. these same children went from going to school every day to being covered in blood from the mutilated bodies of their loved ones.

we see these same children on t.v. as they stare lifelessly into our eyes covered by media networks. no one is helping and they've accepted it.

they've accepted the fact that no one is going to save them. they've accepted the fact that a bomb may land just outside their door. they've accepted their fate.

a fate we could be changing.

i don't know about you, but that doesn't sit well with me.

we write shit under instagram videos of this destruction happening but as soon as we exit the app its done and over with.

it's scary how indifferent the human race has become to the sight of people dying.

commenting "how heartbreaking" with a few sad faced emojis and then moving on to another video of some woman doing her makeup without concerning yourself about what you had seen a mere 20 seconds ago makes you just as bad as the killers.

ask yourself this, if you were in their position how would you feel knowing people are watching your struggle and doing nothing to save you?

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