Wednesday, March 11, 2015



Being a teenager in today's world is difficult. We live in a society that frowns upon creativity. Where being an artist or a writer is no longer an ideal occupation. I've always wanted to be a writer/artist since as far as I can remember. I was always relatively good at both and I believed that yes, this is what made me happy and yes, I would be doing this growing up. That was before I saw what the real world was like. The real world believes money and not happiness make the world turn round, which is true in some aspects but what is money when you aren't happy doing what makes that money? 

I cried when I got A's on my art projects or A's on my essays because I've let a letter define my creativity. I stopped writing and creating for the fun of it. I do it now so that I have a grade on a paper that makes my entire world. These A's on essays or A's on projects have begun to define me, but it won't matter because when I grow up to be a doctor or a business person doing things I like but do not love for the sake of money, those letters won't make make much of a difference to me. They will simply remain as remnants of my past, my childhood, my happiness.

If writers like Edgar Allen Poe or artists like DaVinci were limited based on their knowledge rather than their creativity we wouldn't have such amazing creations in our world today. These famous painters and writers weren't told that they need a Master's in Pharmaceutical Sciences to succeed in life. They did what they loved to do and that got them somewhere.

In my heart I know I will always want to be an artist or a writer, but reality is only a harsh reminder that those professions won't put a roof over my head or food on my plate because this is the world we live in today and that is quite sad.

xx tarjani

(not mine. picture credit goes to tumblr and art credit goes to the famous leonardo davinci)

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