Saturday, February 20, 2016

it is not HER fault

or her, or her, or her, OR her 

it is NEVER the woman's fault. 

"but her skirt was too short."

"but her shirt was too tight."

"but she was drunk."

"but she wanted it."

a woman is never at fault for the harassment she receives by an abuser who lacks control. girls go to school learning the rights and wrongs of how to dress and what is socially acceptable so they are not provoking rapists. we teach "how not to get raped" but we don't teach "don't rape." administrators spend so much time policing the way girls dress but they do not give a second to talk about consent.

a woman should be able to go out at midnight without the fear of being raped. a woman should be able to wear whatever she wants without a rapist making it as though "she wanted it." a woman should be able to stand in a room full of males and not feel absolutely terrified. 

a woman should never have to repeatedly announce that she did not ask for it, that she is not a slut, that what she was wearing does not mean she said yes. that is rape culture and it needs to stop.

rapists know exactly what they are doing as they do it. they knew what they were doing when they took their victim into a room. they knew what they were doing when they took their victim's clothes off. they knew what they were doing when they began undressing themselves. they knew. but did they stop?


women are often blamed for provoking rape due to the way they dress or by the way they act, but that's not the case. women who are fully covered from head to toe are still raped. was SHE showing too much skin? women who offer simply a smile are still raped. was SHE asking for it? 

the answer is always no. 

no woman asks to be raped regardless of whether she dances with you, regardless of whether she was flirting with you, regardless of whether she was completely naked.

no to not consented sex. no to "she wanted it." no to rape. 

short skirts and tight t-shirts don't rape. rapists rape. 

so why are women blamed for something they did not ask for? 

(pics are not mine. credit goes to owners.)

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