Saturday, March 21, 2015


Sometimes, we as humans, forget the importance of life. We focus our entire lives on going to school, getting a job, earning money, etc. That's where we're wrong. I don't want to wake up one day when I'm eighty years old and realize that I spent the majority of my life stuck in a hole repeating the same routine every day. I want to wake up and laugh at the memories of me doing something stupid and wild, smiling and having the best time of my life and falling in love over and over again. I want to make stupid mistakes. I want to smile. I want to love myself and most importantly I want to give back. I may sound stupid and you may call me a teenager who "doesn't know what she wants" or "is still very confused" but these are the years that determine who I will be as I grow up. I can be a closed of introvert or an outgoing extrovert, that is my decision. 

Keep in mind that we are minuscule little specks in this world. There are too many people in this world for you to wake up with regrets. Life is full of promise, don't waste your years trying to be something you're not. That is a lesson I've learned. We need to breathe. We need to live. Most importantly we need to love. 

So go out and ask that boy/girl out. Who cares if you get rejected? There are still seven billion people in the world who will think you're wonderful. Go out and volunteer. You can meet some amazing people and learn their stories that might inspire you. Go out and help the less fortunate. It will be an experience that may possibly change your life. Do what makes you happy. We're way too small for anyone to care about our clothes, the amount of money we have, brand names, etc. 

Be who you want to be and don't let anybody stop you. Stop and smell the flowers even if they're fake.

(not mine. all picture credit goes to tumblr.)

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