Wednesday, April 20, 2016


growing up my mom and dad were really accepting, especially with how they raised their children. this is one of the many things in life i'm thankful for. my parents never had problems with anybody in the lgbtq+ community. to my parents they were just people. it didn't matter who they went home to at the end of the night or what their gender preference was. 

they were just people.

growing up i never found it weird that a man and a man wanted to be together. i thought it was a bit different but never wrong. the mentality instilled in me by my parents was that "we're all humans." we all die. we all breathe. we all love. 

so when i went to middle school and high school i was mildly surprised that people were so cruel towards others with a different gender preference.

why. why. why.

when i heard that a boy committed suicide simply because he liked men, the reality of it all struck me. not everyone grew up like me. not everyone is as accepting. not everyone is as kind as i had originally deemed them to be.

most people think they're making the right call by justifying their bullying as a part of their religion.

religion is meant to teach love and acceptance but mankind has turned it into something its not. 

its not cruelty. its not hatred.

its love.

telling gay people they are sinning when all they are doing is loving is wrong. 

show me where in your sacred scriptures that is says being an active member of the lgbtq+ is a sin. 

tell me where it says that loving is wrong.

tell me, if a woman simply came into a store and displayed so much kindness towards you and others does it really matter if she goes home to a woman?

grow up and open your eyes.

it's 2016.

(i would just like to thank my graphic design for playing great music to spur my writing + picture credit goes to tumblr.)

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