Friday, July 29, 2016

the good things

i don't know what to write. 

i could draft how i'm upset, once again or how insecurity ruins us or how police brutality needs to end or how equality must be achieved. 

i always write about the bad things. 

i don't write about the men who buy the homeless men a full meal. 

i don't write about the two norwegian men who saved a sheep from drowning. 

i don't write about the christians in chicago apologizing for the homophobia some of their church members displayed during pride. 

i don't write about the little kids that give out free lemonade in exchange for a smile. 

my point is, however many negative things occur today there's an equal amount of positive and maybe it's time we start to point the good things too. 

here are a few links to some good things happening today. 

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