Friday, May 6, 2016

irrational insecurity

irrational insecurity. i know i'm not the only one that gets this way. the sudden feeling of insecurity after months of confidence is overwhelming. you lash out at everyone around you because you're unhappy with yourself. it's understandable, it is, i promise. it's not really spurred by things around you, but what the hell do i know? i'm just a teenage girl still trying to grasp the concept of high school, grades and boys; three catalysts for a mental breakdown. 

i'm trying, i truly am, to explain the irrational bursts of anger or the moments of sadness i experience. usually it's spurred by my sense of not belonging. i don't belong in a class full of people who, more than halfway through the semester don't even know my name. i don't belong in a class full of geniuses. 

i'm mediocre. average. 

i'm not beautiful or pretty. i'm ok, and that's crediting my looks for more than i should. i'm not the brightest nor am i the dimmest. my personality is not the best.

these are my insecurities. writing them down has helped me cope with them and cool down during this time of "irrational insecurity." 

this is for all of you readers. 

if you don't believe you're beautiful, it's okay. you have another trait that most people wish for. maybe you're the next Albert Einstein. 

if you don't believe you're smart, it's okay. you probably know how to play a musical instrument like Jimi fricken Hendrix. 

stop discrediting yourself for what you're not and start looking for things that make you a little bit different than the model on Victoria's Secret billboards.

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