Friday, March 13, 2015


A short story written by me. 

The closed off murmurs were all that was heard, the warmth radiating through the bus. He always sat in the back, yet he could always see her head bobbing up and down with every twist and turn the driver made. Today, however, was different. Today, she sat in the back and he so quietly observed her with ever glance of his eye and every accidental bump that had him stumbling closer to her, smelling a waft of her fruity scent. 

She looked so serene, with her eyes closed and the slow rise of her chest. He felt like a creep for staring, no studying, her but he couldn't seem to take his eyes off the girl who has not once looked at yet still enchanted him. 

As the bus made a sharp turn to the left her eyes flew open as she fell into him. With wide eyes he stared at her. She was here. She was in his lap and she was looking right at him. She unexpectedly smiled at him showing off her top row of perfect white teeth that would have glimmered if the sun allowed it. 

"Hi." She whispered.

He gripped her waist tightly, preventing her from falling any further before murmuring. "Hi."

xx tarjani

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