Sunday, April 24, 2016

an apology to my plants

to all the plants that have been killed under my watch. i'm sorry. 
(dedicated to jackie for bringing this brilliant idea to my attention during a boring french day) 

to every billy, simon, leonard, shirley, lucy, and harold that i've ever had. 

i'm sorry i wasn't the best caretaker. i'm sorry i didn't feed you enough to sustain you, and more often than not forgot about you. i really am, sorry that is. i thought i was ready to handle and take on a couple lives but i really wasn't. that was my fault. it was a bad judgement call but i promise to take care of the next ones. i promise to treat my next plants as my children because really, plants sustain us as human beings. 

i don't think i appreciated my small plants enough. you all had an entire life ahead of you, to grow and prosper. i destroyed that chance and i'm sorry, truly i am. 

now you're compost in another plant's pot but at least you're being taken care of. 

appreciate mother nature, because really, everyday is earth day. 

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