Tuesday, June 21, 2016

is this justice?

brock turner. 

as quickly as the name was heard it was just as quickly forgotten. 

but it will never be forgotten for the woman whose virtue he stole. the life he stole from her. the future he stole from her. 

sex, which is supposed to be a beautiful, magical thing has been tainted with evil. 

an evil he caused. 

friends and family have come forward talking about what a great boy he was and discussing his athletic achievements as if that makes up for what he's done. 

isn't funny how not once do we hear about the woman or what a great girl she was before this incident destroyed her. 

is this justice? 

no one talked about what a struggle she's going through trying to get up each morning or the way she scrubs her skin so hard, leaving angry red rashes everywhere trying so desperately to forget the wrong she faced. 

is this justice? 

the victim was forgotten. 

is this justice? 

a man who forced himself upon a woman who wasn't willing nor was she conscious was let off easy with six months but those six months will never be enough for her to forget what was done to her. 

is this justice?

his name will remain forever ingrained in our minds. 

a pathetic excuse of a man. a stain amongst humanity. a rapist. 

so to all his friends and family claiming what a great boy he was; tell me why he was found with his pants to his ankles behind a dumpster raping an unconscious, unwilling woman when clearly he's a golden boy who could have had consensual sex with a willing woman?

THIS isn't justice. 

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