Monday, August 22, 2016

an apology

an apology to the children lost due to the evils they had not yet to know. 

i'm sorry. i'm sorry you were born into a world where the phrase "an eye for an eye," is how the world turns round. 

i'm sorry you were forced to hide in pantries for the safety of your well being as your parents were being killed a few feet away from you. i'm sorry you've had to be taken away from your mothers and fathers for your own protection. 

i'm sorry you may have jumped into a pile of blood and continued your way to school without a care. i'm sorry you've had to fall asleep to the sounds of gunshots and men screaming in agony due to a war they wished ceased to exist. i'm sorry you weren't allowed another day to dream of better things. 

i'm mostly sorry that seeing a dead man had become normal to you. i'm sorry your reaction to death is no longer one of fear and horror. i'm sorry you've seen things most adults haven't had the terror of witnessing. 

i'm so sorry i've taken everything in my life for granted when you couldn't live another day to see the sun. 

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