Monday, January 9, 2017

you don't

how are you going to tell me a gay man is not a part of this nation when he could also be the same man fighting on the home front for this country. how are you going to tell me a black man isn't a part of this nation when he may as well have been in this country longer than you have. tell me how a woman isn't a part of this nation when she, herself could go to war and risk her life for the lives of the thousands that live in this country or how she is returned with a flag instead of the loved one she saw off to the battle for this country. tell me how a muslim man is not a part of this nation when he can devote his life to protecting the people within it. 

HOW are they not a part of this nation?

we have had the words to the pledge of allegiance engraved in our minds for the longest of time.

"with liberty and justice for all."

you do NOT get to decide who is a part of this country based on their race.

you do NOT get to decide who is a part of this country based on their sexual orientation.

you do NOT get to decided who is a part of this country based upon their religious beliefs.

you do NOT get to choose who you think is a part of this country.

please, take that ignorance and silence it. 

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