Saturday, December 5, 2015


Loving yourself isn't easy. It's a process. A long, timely process. After years of looking into a mirror and seeing nothing but imperfection rather than your beauty to loving yourself doesn't change within a snap of your fingers. 

Step 1:
It starts with acceptance. I've accepted I'm not the prettiest girl in the world. I've accepted my nose is slightly big. I've accepted my eyes are slightly small. I've accepted the imperfections that adorn my skin. It's hard to accept these flaws. Society has ingrained this idea of beauty in our minds to where when we look in the mirror we don't see this perfection, we see ourselves. We are all imperfect. There's no other "perfect" than the one we create for ourselves and when you see your beauty you'll realize that you're your own perfection. 

Step 2:
The second and most important step to loving yourself is merely the fact that you are important. You may like to believe you're invisible but you're not. There's someone out there that is smiling because of you. It could be the boy in your English class that happens to think your smile is so absolutely stunning or the girl in gym who happens to believe that you are so beautiful or even your mom who smiles because of what an amazing kid she has. Someone loves you. Don't forget that. 

Step 3:
Love yourself. Love yourself completely, fully. You are a treasure. You're unique. You're you and you know what the "you" you are is pretty fantastic. 

(not mine. picture credit goes to tumblr)

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