Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Depression is such a touchy subject, shunned by society and popularized by "tragic" teens seeking some attention. What of the people who truly do feel depressed? They're ridiculed because they're either just some lame teen wanting attention or an adult who should have "sorted their problems out." Being depressed is not fun. You feel empty but you feel everything. Sometimes you can't even tell when someone is truly depressed because of the front they put up. It's hard to see the bubbly girl or boy you have come to know struggling with this sickness. That's what depression is. It's a sickness. It's not contagious, yes, but it effects your work ethic, your mindset, it effects you as a person. You've gone so long with putting up this front that it's now apart of you. You just can't seem to let it go. Telling someone isn't an option either because all they'll think is that you're just some lame teen wanting attention or an adult who should have "sorted their problems out."

(not mine. picture credit goes to tumblr.)

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