Monday, June 6, 2016


there is a lot of security that comes with insecurity. you've beaten yourself down so much to the point where an ugly comment made by another person hasn't been something unknown. in fact, it's quite friendly because that's not the worst thing that you've said to yourself as you look into your mirror everyday pointing out every imperfection that blemishes your flawed face. 

you make reminders to yourself when you accidentally look someone in the eye. you're apologizing to them for catching a glimpse of the weakness you possess. 

insecurity is something stemmed from within, spurred by a hurtful comment made once to you. 

no matter how many times someone says you're beautiful be it your parents, your lover or your friends you don't believe it because some horrible person destroyed you the minute some hurtful words left their mouth. 

the worst part is the fact that this person doesn't realize the impact they've had on your existence. they don't realize how much of a struggle it is for you to see yourself in the morning. 

they don't. 

they continue through life with an ease in their step as you're treading on sharp rocks somewhere deep inside your own soul. 

instead of degrading someone's essence with a negative world, rebuild the confidence someone else broke in them. 

be a someone.

(picture credit goes to the rightful owners and models for capturing the essence of purity, thank you whomever you may be)

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